
Phew. I'm clearly far too busy to worry about things like coherent sentences and punctation too (Chelle, I can hear your cry, "you're never too busy!" I'm sorry).
Busy is good though, my only worry is having enough money to do it all, so hopefully someone will hire me to do some mindless filing or bar work soon, and I can fill my weekends with exciting trips to see friends and theatre and festivals, and my evenings with writing and preparing for everything else!
Oh, and the wordle*, see above for a wordle aggregation of my most commonly used words on twitter, click to view it at a slightly more friendly size. Basically the bigger the word, the more often I use it, interesting - and actually I don't appear to swear that much ;-)
*To make the wordle, I got my TweetStats, chose the 'tweet cloud' tab, towards the bottom right there's a 'Wordle' link which take the tweet cloud and make it into a wordle, I clicked there, fiddled with the selection of aesthetic options, and then just did a basic screen grab/crop/save.
RE Twitter, I continue to value it, far more than I've ever have Facebook or Myspace or anything like that. I'm trying to put my finger on why- and I've not really formalised my thoughts on it yet. I suppose there's something of it which isn't about you, what you look like, where you've been, and what you have to say so much as it's about listening to others. For me anyway. I do know that of all the things I have done this year, being a part of twitter has been one of the most life enhancing ones- I laugh a lot more than I used to do, I've had interesting exchanges sparked about New Labour, the British-Chinese experience in theatre, the tactile qualities of moleskines, anarchism and collective decision making, all of the biggest breaking news stories and tech info has come to me first through twitter. In a way that I've never been before - I'm connected to intelligent, politically active, funny, musical, artistic, and clued up people. I'm not saying that isn't something you can't have in real life, but to be perfectly honest, after all my 24 years, 3 schools and 2 universities, I'd never even come across someone my own age before who was remotely interested, let alone active in politics/feminism/environmentalism - through twitter I know they're out there, that they have the same struggles and frustrations, I suppose that in ways that before now I have felt alone, I'm not any more. Is that a sad thing to say? It doesn't feel it. It's brilliant, I get to test my ideas properly, and I get a nice reminder that I'm not all that radical, and I'm not active so much as I am aware. And yes it is useful (has demonstrably been useful for me on several counts) with regards to career-networking - but that's not the point, really. You follow people who say interesting things. I find that exciting. It's all about the words, really. 140 of them. There's no room for filler. Like I said though- more formalised thoughts later - particularly as these new ways of communicating will drip drip drip into my beginning PhD thoughts.
I will post again this weekend with my thoughts on the Contingency Plan play, and I also have a bit of an epic blog bubbling away in the back of my mind RE politics... I had a massive rant on twitter after the horribly cynical, opportunistic, and empty-as-a-pepper (capsicum) reform promises of David Cameron. So I might try and squeeze that into some more reasoned words soonish, depending on what else happens.
Right, I must go, it's quite late, and I'm biking the 6 miles or so to sign up to a few more agencies tomorrow (I can't afford the extortionate bus fare! £1.80 for a single!)
Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
I'm really glad that you are busy, and that you are happier. I think it's great that Twitter is all of those things for you. I'm personally having difficulties using the thing (see my latest blog post!) and to me it's behaving in the exact opposite way than you describe (I'm not doubting that that's how it works, but "How"?!).
Anyway, things seem to be looking up for you as a whole, and that's great news. And hopefully the money thing will sort itself out so you can continue having adventures!
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